In a tragic video, YouTuber Paul Harrell announces his own death and apologizes to his viewers.


Many have expressed their sympathies in the YouTube video’s comments area and on social media platforms like Twitter.

This is awful. Occasionally, you experience a wave of grief at the passing of someone you’ve never met but feel as

if you know well. felt like way when Norm MacDonald passed away for the first time. On Twitter, someone said, “This is the second time.”

“A legend has passed away, and he will be greatly missed,” another person said. Paul is dearly missed and I extend my sincere condolences to his friends, family, and YouTube fans. RIP, Paul.”

A third laughed, saying, “I’m sad to hear this because I always liked his videos.” Even though I didn’t know him well, I thought we might have been friends. I will offer my prayers for his family.

Before his son murdered his mother and sibling by stabbing him to death, the father performed one last brave deed.

According to authorities, a 14-year-old kid shot and killed at least 4 people at a school.