In an effort to make a sex scene “easier,” Eva Green’s co-star allegedly volunteered to show her “his d***.”


and Matthew (Michael Pitt). Unfortunately, everyone is familiar with the expression “three’s a crowd,” but the real issue is: who gets left out?

It is to be expected that Green had her share of sex sequences while making the film, considering the sexual interaction between the group and its categorization as an erotic drama.

Green, who was 21 years old in 2012 when she gave an interview to The Sun, said that the scenes were “quite full on and frank,” and that Isabelle “has to lose her virginity.”

She went on to discuss how she overcame her fears and anxieties for the role, jokingly mentioning that one of her co-stars gave her a “private area flash” to help her relax.

She did, in fact, consume some whiskey, as Green discloses, after being “asked if [she] wanted some alcohol before some of the scenes” to calm her anxiety.

But the real “breaking of ice” occurred before to the moment when her co-star Garrel dropped by her trailer to say hello.


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