In this odd TikTok video, Jason Derulo knocked off his teeth while eating corn with a drill.


The single father seems rather taken aback by the whole situation, but I’m sure he has a number of Hollywood dentists on fast dial who could quickly heal his damaged mouth.The video went viral online and caused his horde of admirers to express extreme anxiety.

However, many others doubted the veracity of the video since they found it hard to believe Derulo would act in such an idiotic manner.

It turns out that the artist was playing a practical joke on social media users, so they had good reason to be cautious. Did he really get us there?

To be honest, there is some truth to the story that Derulo broke his teeth, as this was not the first time he had injured his mouth.

The celebrity was performing a handstand beside his pool when he went in without warning, apparently breaking one of his teeth in the process.

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