Insiders are concerned that Trump is experiencing a collapse, as he is slurring and appears to be rapidly deteriorating. However, according to MAUREEN CALLAHAN, there is a lamentable reason why he may now desire to lose the election.

The former president’s closest advisers are concerned that he may be self-sabotaging, as revealed in a shocking report in Vanity Fair. The report claims that the former president views footage of his near assassination on a cycle.

‘He has been rewatching the seven-second footage of how close he was to being shot in the head over and over again,

‘ according to a Republican source who is close to the campaign. “He may actually have post-traumatic stress disorder.” Certainly! How could he not?

It appears to be difficult to believe that Trump is pursuing professional assistance. That would likely be perceived as a sign of vulnerability rather than fortitude by a man of his generation and stature.

However, it is possible that he should do so in order to salvage his campaign, which is currently in a state of disarray.


21 Additional comparisons between Tim Walz and J.D. Vance, as I am insatiably curious.

Afa Anoa’I, a WWE Hall of Famer, passed away at the age of 81.