Insiders are concerned that Trump is experiencing a collapse, as he is slurring and appears to be rapidly deteriorating. However, according to MAUREEN CALLAHAN, there is a lamentable reason why he may now desire to lose the election.


she is facing a slobbery media campaign, despite the fact that she has not given a single interview or held a press conference. These circumstances are exceedingly bleak.

It is evident that Trump is experiencing it. In that meandering sit-down with Elon Musk, his voice was sluggish, and his complexion is pallid. Additionally, his activity level is low.

He no longer possesses the same level of precision and forcefulness in his utterances. Currently, he appears to have lost the narrative or the point he is attempting to make, as he wanders and takes oratorical side streets.

Ironically, Trump’s abrupt resemblance to his former rival, Biden, is striking in numerous respects. Biden’s decline rendered Trump, who is 78 years old, appear sprightly in comparison.

Currently, Trump is the crotchety, inattentive, furious, and somewhat bigoted and misogynistic elderly man that all of his neighbors avoid when he is pitted against the 59-year-old Harris.


21 Additional comparisons between Tim Walz and J.D. Vance, as I am insatiably curious.

Afa Anoa’I, a WWE Hall of Famer, passed away at the age of 81.