It Was Once Revealed by Rosie O’Donnell That JD Vance, Trump’s Vice Presidential Nominee, Was An Opponent of Trump


On TikTok, O’Donnell not only responded to Trump’s choice for vice president, but also to the assassination attempt on the president.

The assassination attempt was described by O’Donnell as “horrible” in a video that was published on the site. “I’m glad that he survived.”

In addition, she said that she has been feeling “nervous” about the country’s trajectory for a while now, and the assassination attempt “did nothing to quell my nerves.”

“Nature had other plans. Even better, it wasn’t worse, I’m happy. “That’s my final comment,” she said on TikTok.

She also addressed the need for American gun control in that video. “We have to come together and say ‘enough’, you know?” she said in reference to the occurrence of shootings.

Anyone may purchase these weapons of war and use them to openly harass or even murder innocent people in public places like schools, churches, movie theaters, rallies, or malls. “We must put an end to this, America,” she said.

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