Maya Benberry, Travis Kelce’s ex-girlfriend, Slams Him and His Taylor Swift Relationship


As soon as she gets on them, the camera zooms down to see that the scales say “FAT” instead of a numerical value. Considering her background, this incident stunned a few admirers.

“I Love Taylor Swift, But There’s A Big Problem With Her New Video” was the headline of an article written by Juliet James for HuffPost.

“I knew the second she stepped on that scale… ” James commented, “The worst part of this is that.” Due to the fact that fatphobia is so prevalent in our society.

“Taylor Swift has never been overweight; she is extremely thin.” “But fat” (and, to be clear, thin) isn’t a negative term, she went on to say. It was formerly a descriptive term, but now it’s insulting.


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