Miley Cyrus and her family are in our thoughts and prayers as they mourn the tragic loss of their loved one.


to cause harm to one another through our words or actions.” We have never argued and then gone to bed furious. We have never wavered in our commitment.”

Cyrus then asserted that her companion had “saved me every time my heart has been broken.”

In her explanation, she requested that “Put me back together again.” It is an extremely solitary experience to endure this anguish in the absence of her magical power.

Cyrus further stated that she felt it was her duty to ensure that Mary Jane’s final moments were as painless and tranquil as possible,

as a gesture of gratitude for the dog’s lifetime of affection and care. Her lifelong companion and closest confidante was Mary Jane.


A three-year-old girl who was declared deceased awakens at her own funeral.

Four years have passed since the woman who texted her father’s number on a daily basis after his passing received a response.