Mother offers stern warning after severe burns sustained by 1-year-old son in incident with air fryer

They hurried Ryder to Wellstar Cobb Burn Center after he burned himself, along with his father Blake.

The tiny kid had to be sedated on Thursday (July 25) so he could undergo stem cell transplant surgery.

According to the NHS, the treatment often requires transplanting stem cells from one person’s blood or bone marrow; this person is typically a close relative, but it may also be the patient themself.

Additionally, stem cells have been discovered to aid in wound repair, according to the National Library of Medicine.

According to Abigail, all of his injured skin was removed. Even though he was discharged from the burns unit, he will still have to undergo therapy.

Ryder is doing well, according to his mother, and they don’t anticipate him needing any more surgery, despite the trauma he has endured.

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