My husband’s ex-wife passed away only five days after giving birth, and I am caring for her child.


I needed to prioritize being a parent above being a provider, and he helped me recognize that I needed to quit making work a priority.

I was away from home a lot while my other children were little since I worked so much. The little things in life also thrill me when he’s around.

Upon reaching Texas, they took up 11-day-old Levi as a foster child and eventually adopted him after more than a year.

After spending a month staying with her husband’s ex-sister-in-law in Texas in September of 2021, Christie and her family relocated to their own home in October of the same year.


As she put it, “transitioning children to another state was hard.” She went on to say that everyone wanted Levi to be there, but that it was difficult.


Death is something that crosses Keanu Reeves’ mind “all the time.”

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