Nearing 60 years old, Keanu Reeves says he contemplates dying “all the time.”


GettyImages-1492783555.jpg is a big picture image.A “love story” lurks behind the blood and guts in Reeves’s most recent novel, he said. Photo credit: House of Suntory/Jamie McCarthy/Getty

There is no correlation between the amount of violence shown on television and the amount of actual violence, an argument that MiƩville argued against as well.

“I get quite irritated about how this question is posed,” stated the man. It was referred to as “cultural scapegoating,” further stating:

“I think the idea of looking at video games and movies and so on, it’s just a way of exonerating the people who are really profiting from the violence.” On July 23, The Book of Elsewhere was released and is officially on sale.


Tragic dad’s employer comes in with an astounding gesture as a distraught mother makes an unbelievable appeal after a train runs over her twin daughters and hero husband in Carlton.

‘Please help bury my mother’ placard held by an 11-year-old child breaks the hearts of motorists