News Flash: Tucker Carlson and ABC ink $400 million deal for late-night show, “Going to Replace Jimmy Kimmel Show”


The move to add Carlson to the network’s late-night lineup is indicative of a larger trend in television, as stations are attempting to increase their ratings by appealing to a wider variety of viewers.

There has been a lot of movement in the late-night TV landscape recently, and this news comes at the same time.

Viewers are increasingly gravitating toward streaming services and internet entertainment, which is causing a decline in traditional late-night programs.

It would seem that ABC is placing its bets on Carlson’s potential to attract a different kind of viewer—one that feels neglected by the existing late-night options—by hiring him.

As a result of his incisive political analysis and unwavering conservative beliefs, Tucker Carlson has garnered a dedicated fan base.

Night after night, millions of people tuned in to watch his Fox News show, “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” which he has named among the top cable news shows.


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