Over 20 People Honestly Described What It’s Like to Work in Their Fields


“Because I wear so many layers when working in the Arctic and Antarctic, I find that wearing my watch on a lanyard is much more convenient than wearing it on my wrist.”

“When it’s thirty degrees outside and it’s raining, be kind to your garbage man.” We are not unbeatable. This is my hand after four hours of labor in inclement weather.

These days, I work at a hotel, therefore I went to check whether a room had been incorrectly marked as filthy. I discovered this. “My hotel key cards from my first year of airline work were saved.”

“I work in the film industry, and I usually can’t ask actors for pictures because I’m too shy, but with this little guy, I had to get one.”


People are upset when Taylor Swift tears her dress during her performance.

Twenty Offspring Who Are Paste Replicas of Their Parents