Rediscovered fans are referring to Homelander actor’s “true masterpiece” as “one of the greatest series of all time” and naming it as such.


It has an impressive 90 percent rating on Rotten Tomatoes and an IMDb score of 8.4, having run for four seasons.

You shouldn’t fear that it won’t last long either since season two had a perfect score of 94 percent and the last two received a flawless score. See what you think after seeing the trailer:

Watchers and fans of the program, Banshee, have found it to be a huge success. In the UK, it may be seen on Sky and NOW, but regrettably, it is not available on Netflix.

However, this has never deterred members of the Netflix Bangers Facebook group in the past, and it didn’t deter them this time either, as seen by a post from earlier

this year that went viral and discussed the episode. A spectator said, “Guys, I would love to recommend Banshee, a true masterpiece” on Facebook.

They subsequently added an explanation for not realizing the program wasn’t available on Netflix, but given that everyone appears to agree, we can appreciate their want to spread the word.


The greatest isolated tribe in the world uses a bow and arrow assault to murder two lumberjacks, leaving two more unaccounted for.s

“Surgeons removed the wrong organ,” causing the man to die on the operating table.