Riley Strain’s last known text message—a perplexing two-word message—has surfaced.


Riley Strain was tragically discovered dead eight miles downstream from his last known location on March 22.

A corpse was discovered floating in a river. A local construction materials business employee who unloaded barges along the river noticed his corpse.

We do river-related tasks at my firm. “I think it to be Riley,” the worker informed the authorities after contacting 911, “I have just found a, uh, dead body.”

A preliminary autopsy indicates that Riley Strain’s death seems to have been unintentional, according to the Metro Nashville Police Department.

The 22-year-old’s death “continues to appear accidental,” according to Don Aaron, a department spokesman, who added that a detective had attended the autopsy.

“No injuries caused by foul play,” Aaron said in an email. As is customary, “(Toxicology) pending.” Please accept our deepest condolences on the passing of this young guy. Let him be at ease.

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