Since I was fifteen, I have had intimate relationships with emergency vehicles and I identify as an ambulance.


They also spoke about how, over time, their affection for ambulances had developed to the point that they could now have informal talks about them.

According to Sanitka, “We talk like people do, but we talk about everything that is normally talked about, depending on what comes to mind.”

However, they made it plain that, while they would sometimes appreciate other brands and models of automobiles, their attention was limited to Mercedes-manufactured ambulances.

Sanitka said, “I only love Mercedes emergency vehicles, all Mercedes ambulances.” “Volkswagens damage Mercedes cars primarily and are ugly.” When anything annoys or pains them, they chuckle.

When many questioned if Santika’s antics were legal, he revealed that it was a dangerous endeavor. They said, “I got into trouble a lot.”


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When filming the thrilling climactic moments for Mission Impossible 8, 62-year-old Tom Cruise experiences tension while doing risky maneuvers on a World War II aircraft.