Studies suggest that bold, well-groomed eyebrows might help identify narcissists, as they often focus on enhancing their appearance to draw attention

Recognizing a narcissist can be quite tricky, especially since they often come across as charming and well-liked. The quicker you can spot them and keep your distance,

the better it will be for your peace of mind. But how exactly can you identify a narcissist early on? Surprisingly, recent research suggests that you might be able to do so by looking at their eyebrows.

It sounds a bit unusual, but studies indicate that eyebrows can reveal narcissistic tendencies. A study from the University of Toronto found that people with

“distinctive eyebrows” were more likely to show traits of narcissistic personality disorder. Researchers photographed 40 undergraduate students

with neutral expressions and assessed their narcissistic traits using the Narcissistic Personality Inventory.


Taylor Swift sparked pregnancy rumors after appearing at the US Open in a bodice dress that highlighted her midsection.

We’re saddened to announce the passing of an icon. When you learn who it is, it will undoubtedly bring tears. This loss leaves a deep void in the hearts of many.