“Surgeons removed the wrong organ,” causing the man to die on the operating table.


William’s spleen had developed a tiny cyst, according to an autopsy, which is thought to be the reason for the suffering

he was seeking medical attention for in Florida. Beverly claims that she is now working to bring her late husband’s “justice” to an end.

The widow claimed in a statement provided by her legal counsel: “Dr. Shaknovsky took my husband’s life as he lay powerless on the operating table.

“I don’t want anyone else to die due to his incompetence at a hospital that should have known or knew he had previously made drastic, life-altering surgical mistakes.”

According to the Miami Herald, Dr. Shaknovsky has no disciplinary cases, public complaints, or criminal charges against him.

But Beverly hopes that legal action will be taken against him, both civilly and criminally, adding that she plans to file a case after a pre-litigation procedure.

Rediscovered fans are referring to Homelander actor’s “true masterpiece” as “one of the greatest series of all time” and naming it as such.

Theroux, Justin I’m in a relationship, yet I feel protective of my ex-wife Jen.