Teen sadly passes away only weeks after high school graduation

The sudden collapse and death of an 18-year-old high school senior at her commencement ceremony has left her town in grief.

According to sad reports, 18-year-old Sienna Stewart, who had a heart transplant 10 years ago, was diagnosed with heart failure in April.

Prior to “getting sick” earlier this year, Sienna had endured severe cardiomyopathy since the age of four.

The young lady began “getting weak and slowing down” after supposedly enjoying a “relatively normal life for 10 years” after the transplant.

Mom Saevon Chum said her daughter had collapse episodes; one of them occurred on Thursday, May 23, 2024, at her graduation.

“Just give us a second please, we have a student, just give us a second…” the administrator of Hiram High School yells in a video that the school has uploaded.


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