The champion of the England World Cup calls the knighthood snub for Kevin Sinfield “ridiculous”

Dual-code legend Jason Robinson called the knighthood snub in rugby league “ridiculous.” The fact that Kevin.

Sinfield was left off of the King’s New Year’s list has caused a stir in both the sports community and the general public. Through his incredible running achievements,

The inspiring former Leeds and England captain has helped collect over £10 million for the MND community in support of his late friend Rob Burrow. Along with former Rhinos teammate Burrow,

Who tragically passed away from MND in June, Sinfield, 44, did earn the CBE in 2023. However, there has been no improvement, a choice that has angered many.

But in the 130-year history of rugby league, not a single knighthood has been awarded. The majority of sports have been acknowledged throughout that period.


Hours before the NYE Ball, people in Times Square were hit by icy rain.

This winter, the NHS issued the “worst ever” flu warning because the viral peak is “yet to come.”