The first couple in Britain to sign up to use the contentious “suicide pod” and pass away in each other’s arms


“But consider the other option. You are stuck with your illness and agony since there doesn’t appear to be much hope of receiving timely

NHS treatment for the conditions associated with aging. “I don’t think that living in care, dribbling and incontinent while lying in bed, is what I want out of life.”

“Finally, the Government swoops in to take your savings and your house to pay for it all.” “It’s a lovely life but I have this diagnosis, and that’s crystallized our thinking,” Christine said.

“Medicine is able to delay, but not completely prevent, vascular dementia. ‘This is it, Pete, I don’t want to go any farther,’ I would remark when I felt like I was losing myself.”

This follows Dr. Philip Nitschke, the inventor of suicide pods, announcing his intention to deploy them in the UK.

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In an emotional update, Kate Middleton declares that her cancer treatment is now over.

Gabby Logan cut off broadcast of the Great North Run to make a heartbreaking BBC announcement.