The greatest isolated tribe in the world uses a bow and arrow assault to murder two lumberjacks, leaving two more unaccounted for.s


On Monday, September 2, the Ministry of Culture said that the altercation “may have caused deaths, injuries, and disappearances.”

The Mashco Piro have a reputation for having little contacts with outsiders since the most of their encounters have been bad.

The Piro people were violently invaded by rubber tappers and settlers at the peak of rubber production in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, resulting in a large death toll and widespread displacement.

The forest provides food, shelter, and medicine for the Mashco Piro, which is how they survive. They are believed

to number over 750 individuals and have survived for so long because of their understanding of the biodiversity of the Amazon.

This comes after the human rights group Survival International demanded in July that the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) revoke a logging company’s accreditation.


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