The incorrect prognosis was only found following Robin Williams’ autopsy.


I refuse to state that it was a brief time. Because it was a time of profound introspection and excruciating anguish for him, it seemed much longer than it really was.

It was impossible for me not to feel profound sympathy. For some reason, I felt bad for him. “It can be really isolating even when you’re with family and loved ones.”

Upon her husband’s passing, the actor’s widow, Susan Schneider, penned an article titled “The terrorist inside my husband’s brain” for the journal Neurology.

“You could say he had chemical warfare in his brain” due to the condition’s extensive destruction to neurons and neurotransmitters, she said in the article.

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British national Ben Ross, who went missing 12 days ago, was recovered alive in Majorca.

Thanks to her most recent tweet, Blake Lively ‘just confirmed’ her role as Lady Deadpool, according to fans.