The Malibu property of Whoopi Goldberg is encumbered by a $22 million lien that Kyle Rittenhouse has registered.

The controversial character from the Kenosha shooting trial, Kyle Rittenhouse, has drawn inspiration from the enigmatic lizard people in an unusual and odd legal tactic.

Rittenhouse’s wacky legal team has contended that they, too, may record liens, just like contractors. They say that one may even place liens on planets to claim.

What they think is due to them, citing a 1957 classic case called The United States v The Little Green Men from Mars.

Rittenhouse is pursuing a stunning $22 million settlement with Whoopi Goldberg’s extravagant Malibu property, motivated by this peculiar justification.

Reportedly, Rittenhouse’s legal approach has been impacted by the lizard people, who are infamous for their alleged presence in high-ranking government posts.

According to Rittenhouse’s team, who have gained this supernatural knowledge from secret sources.

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A $22 million lien is filed by Kyle Rittenhouse on Whoopi Goldberg’s Malibu residence.