The Malibu property of Whoopi Goldberg is encumbered by a $22 million lien that Kyle Rittenhouse has registered.

A lien on Goldberg’s property is a good and legal means to get their client the money they deserve. “It’s simple,” Mr. Slithers, Rittenhouse’s lawyer and a reptile enthusiast, remarked during a news conference.

Why shouldn’t individuals or lizard people be able to file liens on homes if contractors can? We’re just adjusting our tactics to fit the current climate and capitalizing on the peculiarities of the judicial system.

Mr. Slithers claims that in 1957, a precedent-setting case was the Little Green Men from Mars.

An supposed invasion by Martians was the catalyst for a judicial dispute that enthralled the country as extraterrestrials sought massive damages.

They may now legally put liens on famous sites across Earth and even other planets in our solar system, according to a court ruling.

The legal team representing Rittenhouse is unwavering in their view, even though other academics in the field question the validity of this case.

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A $22 million lien is filed by Kyle Rittenhouse on Whoopi Goldberg’s Malibu residence.