The Malibu property of Whoopi Goldberg is encumbered by a $22 million lien that Kyle Rittenhouse has registered.

Whoopi Goldberg, who was caught off guard by Rittenhouse’s unprecedented claim, has not yet made a public statement about the matter.

When she heard about this historic legal action, however, her shock was understandable. Is it going to force Goldberg to fight a court battle.

That might change the rules of intergalactic property law, or will she just brush it off as ridiculous? The internet is in a state of disbelief and laughter at Rittenhouse’s bold decision.

The bizarre character of this emerging story has been further solidified by the proliferation of memes depicting lizard people armed with legal papers and hatching plans to conquer other planets.

Legal scholars acknowledge that Rittenhouse’s move is an unusual examination of the system’s boundaries, but many remain suspicious of the lizard people’s power and the veracity of the case The United States v. The Little Green Men from Mars.

Professor Scales, a legal professor, said, “While the law allows for the registration of liens against properties.

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A $22 million lien is filed by Kyle Rittenhouse on Whoopi Goldberg’s Malibu residence.