The Malibu property of Whoopi Goldberg is encumbered by a $22 million lien that Kyle Rittenhouse has registered.

The application of such measures to extraterrestrial or even celebrity-owned assets is a whole new ballgame.” He struggled to maintain an upright posture as he made the comment.

The court’s interpretation of Rittenhouse’s claim is still up in the air while this fanciful legal dispute progresses.

Do they intend to treat it seriously, like the famous Little Green Men from Mars case, or will they write it off as a complicated farce? Which way the wind blows, that is the question.

A sign of the lunacy of our times is Kyle Rittenhouse’s union with the lizard people and their bold effort to file a lien against Whoopi Goldberg’s Malibu property, in a world where conspiracy theories often blend reality and fantasy.

Whatever it is—a satire on the peculiarities of the court system or an earnest attempt to get attention—this legal drama has suddenly taken an alien turn.

Please be aware that this piece is satirical in nature. This essay is purely meant for funny purposes and contains wholly fake events and claims.

The United States v. The Little Green Men from Mars case and the existence of lizard people are completely made up and have no basis in actual events or legal precedents.

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A $22 million lien is filed by Kyle Rittenhouse on Whoopi Goldberg’s Malibu residence.