The most viewed segment from the cancelled television program of the 2000s demonstrates why the British are unable to believe it was ever broadcast.


a program in which an individual hurl fast food at individuals in public appears to be an unconventional concept in the present day.

This was a distinct era; for example, there were programs such as You Are What You Eat, in which a woman would examine the feces of individuals and provide them with dietary recommendations.

In large Families, Stephen Miller would introduce the characters by saying, “They spend an excessive amount of time sitting on their fat bums; that is their issue, plain and simple.”

“If they don’t pull out their chubby fingers they’ll be on their way to an early grave.” Tom Cruise referred to the individuals responsible for the show as

“jerks” after they sprayed him with water on the red carpet during Balls of Steel. Sharon Osbourne responded by tipping a pail of water over a camera.

In the past, OFCOM received numerous complaints regarding the program, and Balls of Steel was required to provide

clarification on several points. For example, they were required to emphasize that The Annoying Devil did not actually hurl actual excrement at individuals.

After receiving a score of zero, Australian officials disclosed the rationale behind the selection of Raygun for the Olympics.

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