The world’s eldest individual, who lived to the age of 117, consumed the same food on a daily basis throughout her existence.


maintained a positive outlook on the future, and adhered to her daily diet, which she attributes to her exceptional physical condition.

Therefore, what item of food did the world’s eldest individual abide by on a daily basis? Eggs. Oh, and consuming grappa, a traditional Italian intoxicating beverage.

She disclosed that she had adopted a daily diet of three eggs, two of which were raw, for more than ninety years. This practice was initiated following her diagnosis of anemia in the aftermath of World War I.

Emma previously boasted, “I consume three eggs daily and consume grappa that I make myself. I combine it with seven sage leaves, a batch of rue grass, and a few grapes in a jar.” Subsequently, I down it with a scoop.


A customer who left a £2,300 gratuity on a £10 supper at a restaurant is being sued.

David Beckham maintains that his wife, Victoria, has consumed the same nourishment for twenty-five years.