Tim Walz and J.D. Vance are being compared in a humorous manner on the internet, and I am unable to suppress my laughter.


15. “Tim Walz is a father.” J.D. Vance is a patriarch.

16. “Tim Walz is the individual who will lend you $20 and ensure that you never consider it again.” J.D. Vance is the individual who will lend you $20, compound hourly interest, increase it for inflation, and then prosecute you for $1,000 in small claims court.

17. “Tim Walz is the individual who will ensure that all attendees have the opportunity to speak at the town meeting.” J.D. Vance is the individual who will disparage others for asking inquiries.

18. “In order to provide you with a secure merge, Tim Walz migrates.” J.D. Vance matches your pace, compel you to halt at the on-ramp.

19. Lastly, “Tim Walz is the individual who will assist you in transporting your furniture during your relocation.” “J.D. Vance is the individual who will put the furniture down and become a bit eccentric with it.”

After the Oscars, Jada Pinkett Smith addressed allegations that she was carrying the child of another man.

A woman discloses that it required her thirty years to recognize her sexual orientation as “abrosexual.”