Tragic tragedy claims life of cheerleading captain only weeks away from high school graduation

Warm sentiments and expressions of support and love were offered on the page by friends and relatives. Angel wings were bestowed to my lovely granddaughter Olivia.

“My beautiful [angel] Flores,” remarks Flores’ grandma Maria Rodriguez. We will be eternally thankful for the time we spent with Liv since she was very unique.

Embrace the sky, my dear,” a friend writes. “Heaven lost a brilliant star far too soon,” says another. We will miss her!

“Forever present” People came together the night of Flores’s death to comfort one another in their sorrow. “She was always there for me, and she was a person I could rely on for anything,” Mariah Cuellar, a friend of Flores’s and co-captain of the Owatonna cheer squad, told ABC during an interview that took place during the celebration.

“I loved her being there by my side…,” Cuellar told NBC affiliate KTTV about Flores, with whom she has cheered since third grade.Whether it was for cheer or something completely unrelated, she was always there to lend me a hand. She was also well-known for being a wonderful friend to everyone.

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An anonymous person posts a video of a mother nursing her child online; the mother’s reaction is absolutely priceless.