Trump boasts about the backing of about 60% of Teamsters members: “Nobody ever imagined” that this would occur.


“The union’s extensive member polling showed no majority support for Vice President Harris and no universal support among the membership for President Trump.”

This was the union’s justification for failing to endorse a 2024 presidential candidate. Sean O’Brien, General President of the Teamsters, said,

“Neither major candidate was able to make serious commitments to our union to ensure that working people’s interests are always put before Big Business.”

In a statement to Fox News after the union’s decision to maintain neutrality, the Harris campaign cited support from “many Teamsters locals and rank and file.”


It is said that King Charles is “still very sick” and that his death is “inevitable,” with preparations for his burial having already begun.

Clinton assures that Harris will defeat Trump in the popular vote: “I am certain.”