Twenty Offspring Who Are Paste Replicas of Their Parents

While we can only speculate about our future appearance, other folks can simply browse through their family album and make their own predictions. People who are really fortunate to have good

genes are posting pictures of themselves and their parents that show striking similarities. It seems as if their genes made use of a computer’s “copy-paste” function.

Bright Side has selected 20 outstanding images that will make you wonder whether the two subjects in the pictures are indeed two distinct persons.

1. “I am 38 years apart from my dad.”

2. “Today versus thirty years ago: my dad and his friend vs his son and me”

Over 20 People Honestly Described What It’s Like to Work in Their Fields

“She’s a child, aged twelve,” BeyoncĂ©’s daughter’s Grammys outfit sparks a heated online debate.