When physicians discover why a baby who was born smiling broadly becomes mute, shocking parents.


According to the National Library of Medicine, there have been just fourteen reported examples of this deformity in medical literature, demonstrating how unusual it is.

No anomalies were detected during Vercher’s regular pregnancy ultrasound.
It was “obvious”

that something was wrong with their newborn since she “was so tiny,” and the new parents knew it the moment they laid eyes on their daughter. This caused them great concern.

Blaize and I had never heard of macrostomia, and I had never encountered someone who was born with it, Vercher said. “Therefore, it was quite surprising.”

A newborn with bilateral macrostomia was an unexpected and difficult situation for everyone involved.


Riley Strain’s last known text message—a perplexing two-word message—has surfaced.

Moving account of mother’s journey through parenting a child diagnosed with Treacher Collins Syndrome