When physicians discover why a baby who was born smiling broadly becomes mute, shocking parents.


Since we had to wait many hours for a doctor to respond, the whole ordeal became even more terrifying. “All I could think about as a mother was where I went wrong,”

the mother stated, adding, “and the hospital had little knowledge or support for such a rare condition, so this added another layer of difficulty.”

The constant fear that Vercher had done something wrong throughout her pregnancy and caused her baby’s ailment was a major source of anxiety for her.

“As a mother, all I could think about was the times when I might have messed up,” she said. The mom was reassured by

the doctors after a battery of scans and tests that this problem was totally out of their hands and that they were not to blame.


Riley Strain’s last known text message—a perplexing two-word message—has surfaced.

Moving account of mother’s journey through parenting a child diagnosed with Treacher Collins Syndrome