When physicians discover why a baby who was born smiling broadly becomes mute, shocking parents.


The parents of Ayla decided to share her story on social media and set out on a quest to learn as much as they could about the disease.

They were taken aback when their baby’s unique grin won over 6.5 million TikTok users in no time. Unexpectedly, there was an outpouring of support that the Muchas could not handle.

According to what I found on Dr Google, there have only been fourteen reported instances. She is very exceptional. “Be proud, mama,” someone wrote.

Simply said, she is stunning and lovely in her own right. Another person said that she also made them grin.

Naturally, some people made fun of Ayla, but her supporters were quick to silence them.
Stay strong and ignore those pessimistic folks; your daughter is stunning.


Riley Strain’s last known text message—a perplexing two-word message—has surfaced.

Moving account of mother’s journey through parenting a child diagnosed with Treacher Collins Syndrome