When physicians discover why a baby who was born smiling broadly becomes mute, shocking parents.


Whoa, she’s an angel, someone said. “Oh my god. You are very adorable! Look over all those cruel remarks; your adorable little self is simply too cute,” someone another said.

“You are an incredible mother, you’re blessed with a lovely daughter, and it saddens me to witness those careless remarks,” said a third participant.

The most important thing, according to Vercher’s answer to the cruel comments made about her darling son, is to treat everyone with kindness and acceptance.

She went on to say that anybody might be affected by circumstances “such as this” and that it was hoped that others would treat them with

the same respect if anything similar were to happen to them or their children. “People have strong opinions on social media. Unfortunately, you have no say over how other people act.


Riley Strain’s last known text message—a perplexing two-word message—has surfaced.

Moving account of mother’s journey through parenting a child diagnosed with Treacher Collins Syndrome