When physicians discover why a baby who was born smiling broadly becomes mute, shocking parents.

The facial cleft is an extremely unusual birth defect in which the corners of the mouth do not fuse together as the baby grows.

The National Library of Medicine reports that there have been only fourteen occurrences of the deformity documented in medical journals, demonstrating how uncommon it is.

The fact that Ayla’s parents had no anomalies detected during their ultrasounds came as a total shock to them when they saw her wide mouth opening.

According to the 23-year-old mother, she and Blaize, who is 22 years old, “were instantly worried” upon seeing Ayla for the first time since the issue was “obvious” due to her “tiny.”

“Neither Blaize nor I were aware of this condition, and I had never met someone born with a macrostomia,” said Vercher of Adelaide. “Therefore, it was quite surprising.”

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