When physicians discover why a baby who was born smiling broadly becomes mute, shocking parents.

“You are an incredible mother, you’re blessed with a lovely daughter, and it saddens me to witness those careless remarks,” adds a third sharer.

“I would advise nothing more than to be kind and accepting of all people,” Vercher responded to the cruel remarks made about her adorable child.

Conditions “such as this” might really affect anybody, she said, thus it was only fair that those affected by such tragedies treat their loved ones with the same dignity. “People have strong opinions on social media. The character quirks of other individuals are beyond your control, alas.

Thanks to everyone’s encouraging words, Vercher continues, “We will not stop sharing our experiences and favourite memories as we are so proud.”

When Madonna debuted her new appearance at her most recent show, fans were shocked.

Teen sadly passes away only weeks after high school graduation