While shooting Wolf of Wall Street, Jonah Hill snorted fake cocaine and ended up in the hospital.

While it is common knowledge that using illicit narcotics is bad for your health, it turns out that inhaling a synthetic version of the hard stuff isn’t necessarily any better.

Ask Jonah Hill, who spent almost seven months in the hospital after forcing a large amount of vitamin powder up his throat.

The 40-year-old Superbad actor said that his role as Donnie Azoff in 2013’s The Wolf of Wall Street caused him to get “very sick.” This was because of his character’s extensive drug usage.

In the revelry-filled Martin Scorsese film, he costarred with Leonardo DiCaprio as playboy stockbroker Jordan Belfort, and the two of them went through a ton of gear.

Since, on set, the performers were really snorting lines of vitamin D powder instead of genuine cocaine.


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