Woman Adopts ‘animal only’ Diet and Opens Up About Her Body Transformation

Sliazaite claims that her coworkers made fun of her for allegedly eating “a lot of butter and a lot of meat” when she first started following the carnivore diet.

“I receive a great deal of negative feedback on Instagram predicting my demise, arterial blockage, cardiac arrest, and digestive system breakdown,” she said.

Still, Sliazaite hasn’t let the trolls stop her from sticking to the controversial diet, citing the “health benefits” as the major reason.

She went on to say, “I feel the carnivore diet changed something in my brain.” “I used to sleep for three hours a night.

But now I’m out the minute my head touches the pillow, and I’m up before my alarm goes off.”For as long as I can remember, I’ve suffered from eczema and generalized itching all over my body.

Thankfully, it has all but vanished. Along with her “digestive issues having gone,” the Londoner said that her “body shape has improved” after cutting off vegetables.

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