The Stray Dog Calms Down When He Knows His New Owner Is Bringing Him Home

When you come across a stray dog that is living on the streets, what should you do? On a scorching day in Dubai, Anand Raman did all he could to provide a hand.\

Curled up behind a parked vehicle, Anand saw a stray dog clinging to live, on bits of food. A little tender loving care, Anand reasoned, would go a long way.

Anand Raman’s Instagram The frail pup’s weakness became apparent to Anand the moment he established eye contact with the starved dog; the dog then approached him.

The most endearing thing occurred as he hurriedly loaded the puppy into the vehicle. As soon as he felt secure, this adorable puppy laid his head on Anand’s shoulder and slept off to sleep.

Anand’s sister took them to the vet, who diagnosed the dog with severe malnutrition and said that his shaky gait will improve once he was healthy again.


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