After being eliminated from the Olympics, a volleyball player who was convicted of child rape breaks down in tears.

Witnesses said the Olympic volleyball player, who was found guilty of raping a minor, sobbed when she was kicked out of the Paris Games.

After yesterday’s 2-0 loss to Brazil in the round of 16, fans were pleased to see convicted child rapist Steven van de Velde and his accomplice Matthews Immers eliminated from the prestigious games.

In 2016, the 29-year-old was given a four-year jail term in the Netherlands after confessing to having sex with a 12-year-old British girl after becoming friends with her on Facebook. In that instant, he had not yet turned 19.

While sentencing van de Velde, Judge Francis Sheridan, who was presiding over the case at the time,

had already warned the athlete that his conduct had ruined any chance he had of ever representing his nation at the Olympics.


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