At the scene, the distraught mother of a 15-year-old boy stabbed to death at a Sheffield school reads tributes.


Despite the efforts of paramedics and police to save his life, the severity of his injuries proved fatal. “Our Harvey, no words” is what Caroline said in a Tik Tok post along.

With pictures of them together and heartbreak emojis. “My Harvey, life is never gunner be the same,” she continued in a second message. I adore you.

“My heart is in a million pieces, Harvey. I love you so much,” Sister Sophie said. I wish I could give your loved ones a bigger hug. Caroline also posted.

An appeal from South Yorkshire Police asking people not to identify the 15-year-old who was detained, along with the words “For our Harvey” along with emojis of gratitude and a broken heart.

When the school went into lockdown, anxious parents of students described the excruciating wait to see their kids. One of Harvey’s classmates’ mothers described how.


After coughing up “pints” of blood, a teenager who vaped the equivalent of fifty cigarettes per day was diagnosed with “shock.”

About forty thousand dollars’ worth of eggs were taken from a trailer in Pennsylvania.