Despite the efforts of paramedics and police to save his life, the severity of his injuries proved fatal. “Our Harvey, no words” is what Caroline said in a Tik Tok post along.
With pictures of them together and heartbreak emojis. “My Harvey, life is never gunner be the same,” she continued in a second message. I adore you.
“My heart is in a million pieces, Harvey. I love you so much,” Sister Sophie said. I wish I could give your loved ones a bigger hug. Caroline also posted.
An appeal from South Yorkshire Police asking people not to identify the 15-year-old who was detained, along with the words “For our Harvey” along with emojis of gratitude and a broken heart.
When the school went into lockdown, anxious parents of students described the excruciating wait to see their kids. One of Harvey’s classmates’ mothers described how.