Exclusive: A devastating five-word appeal from a 28-year-old Brit with an extremely rare fatal malignancy

The 28-year-old guy, who has been given a year to live at most, said, “I don’t want to die” as his family attempts to fund £500,000 for state-of-the-art cancer therapy.

The diagnosis of central nervous system (CNS) lymphoma, a rare and severe form of cancer that develops in the lymph tissue of the brain, spinal cord.

Or cerebrospinal fluid, was devastating news for Mitch Middleton, a resident of Tamworth, Staffordshire, in December 2023.

In September 2024, Mitch had a stem cell transplant after enduring months of torturous therapies and “endless” hospital stays.

His sister Jessie told The Mirror, “We dared to hope for the first time.” Rebuilding his life, Mitch went on a trip with his fiancée, went back to work as a gas engineer, and moved into a new house.


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