Moving account of mother’s journey through parenting a child diagnosed with Treacher Collins Syndrome

Eliza Bahneman, a mother of a daughter diagnosed with Treacher Collins Syndrome, recounted the ups and downs of her family’s experience with the condition.

This courageous lady found out she was pregnant at the beginning of 2018. Erik, her husband, and she were ecstatic and eagerly anticipated meeting their new baby.

The fact that Eliza’s sister, sister-in-law, and many acquaintances were all expecting at the same time just added to her excitement.

There was a sense of community around her as she embarked on this remarkable adventure that would provide her the title she had always desired—that of a mother.

Eliza had a feeling that her baby would be born earlier than anticipated, and she was correct—the pregnancy was perfectly normal.


When physicians discover why a baby who was born smiling broadly becomes mute, shocking parents.

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