The whole internet has united as this guy is yelled at by his male friends for failing to do this one thing after a date.

After a date, women often want a thorough debriefing to discuss the person we left our couches and climbed out from under the covers for. In addition to talking about what happened after the date,

We’ll probably analyse every text message exchange for a few days after the date. Indeed, it seems that many men follow suit! On TikTok and other social media sites like Twitter,

A video that was uploaded by the @famousbachelors account—a TikTok account that posts videos of a group of guys discussing their antics related to dating, school, etc.—went viral recently.

It showed a group of guys describing why a girl didn’t text one of the guys back after a date for a particular reason.


After recording himself with lions “to impress girlfriend,” the zookeeper was devoured alive.

Pamela Anderson says she left Playboy Mansion and never came back because of a request from Hugh Hefner.