The Youth Ice Dancers’ Amazing Last Move… Prior to the D.C. Plane Crash

Before they died in Sunday night’s aircraft tragedy in Washington, D.C., youth ice dance partners Angela Yang and Sean Kay had thriving careers… video of their last, amazing routine performances.

Take a look at it. Two months before to Wednesday’s tragedy, Angela and Sean took to the ice for the 2025 Midwestern Sectional U.S. Ice Dance Final,

Where the young skaters showcased an exciting performance that included many amazing spins, leaps, steps, and twists.

Angela and Sean won the competition’s first-place awards, and the judges were enthralled with the youthful talent.

In November, Angela even posted images of herself and Sean holding their medals on the podium on Instagram to commemorate their significant win.


Live updates from the DC aircraft crash: Crews are waiting for equipment to remove the remaining remains

If enacted, a recently proposed measure would prohibit abortion for all women.