If you’ve ever had a young kid who adores a fictitious character, you know that wearing a piece of apparel with the character’s cheerful face may make things easier.
Because of how often you wear it, you’ve likely cleaned a beloved shirt hundreds of times. Maybe you went ahead and purchased an extra or larger one,
just in case. Having a child’s favorite character on their underwear is a wonderful extra while they are toilet training.
However, have you ever seen that children’s underwear is often rather particular about the figures it displays? It has become a major nuisance in Hilary Filipowicz’s household.
On her TikTok channel, @calmlychaoticmom, she vented her frustrations and passionately argued for gender inclusion in children’s underwear.
Keep reading CafeMom for more: How to Repurpose Those Excessively Small Baby Clothes! Minnie Mouse isn’t her daughter’s favorite, but Mickey Mouse is.