Just One Day Left Before Election: ‘Squad’ Member Falls Far Behind

Just over a day before voting ends, another “Squad” member is far behind in the most recent polling and faces a real possibility of losing her Democratic primary.

Members of the loose coalition of Democratic legislators on the extreme left who value grandstanding and empty promises more than actual policy change have had it rough in the 2024 election season.

Pro-Israel Westchester native defeated pro-Palestinian New York Congressman Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) in June’s primary election.

Voters were sick of Bowman’s pro-Palestinian rhetoric and his photo ops with progressive Jewish leaders,

who, it turns out, never really warmed up to him. This week, progressive prosecutor Wesley Bell faces up against Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO), and history may repeat itself in Missouri’s 1st District.

A poll by the political arm of the Democratic Majority for Israel, DMFI PAC, showed that Bell was leading Bush 48% to 42%.


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